

With the beginning of the week comes the beginning of a new project!

I’m going to begin posting every day again… well, at least I’m going to try.  🙂

To aide in my attempts, I’ve assigned each and every day a general theme, though ideas or thoughts outside of those themes may appear here as well.  I’m not generally a fan of limiting myself and value freedom above just about anything in life.  Just in case you didn’t know.  Now you do.

Monday’s theme is going to broadly be goals, by which I mean any sort of goals, ideas, or changes for my life that I want to share with you.  This week’s goal is to actually start blogging again.  So far, so good!  Though I am only one day in…  we’ll just have to find out how dedicated I am to this project in the coming days and weeks.

I welcome any comments, ideas, thoughts, or suggestions you may have for me!  What goals have you set for life?  For your summer?  Or just for the week?